
English day!(^^)!

9月28日(木)今日は3年~6年生までのEnglish dayでした。市内小学校のALT(英語の先生)が集まって、学年ごとに英語に親しめるように色々な取組みをしてくださいました。
















































 4年生は、お休みがとても増えていたので… クラスに分かれてALTの先生方に10分毎にローテーションして頂き、教室でEnglishdayを楽しみました。


English day

Today, the 3rd to 6th grade students thoroughly enjoyed playing the games carefully prepared by their English teachers.
Many of the 4th graders had the day off, so I was disappointed that they wouldn't be able to have English Day, but thanks to the English teachers coming into the classroom, the 4th graders were able to enjoy English Day with smiles on their faces. It's done.

Thanks to everyone's cooperation, it was an unforgettable day. I'm really thankful to you! ️See you next year!! ️Thank you for your support.